
About Me

Hi, my name is Dan. I started my crypto journey back in May 2021.

This was just after the big correction of Bitcoin when it dropped from an all time high of around $60,000 USD to $30,000 USD.

The main reason I jumped in to the crypto world at this time was to buy at a good price i.e. “buy the dip”.

It was a good strategy for me to buy at this time and this has become a core part of my investment plan.

I knew very little when I first started and was a little overwhelmed, not only by the amount of information that was out there, but also by the amount of the different answers to the questions I had.

I worked my way through all of this information by researching and working out how to do various things and have learned from the mistakes I have made along the way.

This was quite time consuming so I decided to build a blog to help everyone else coming in to and further developing in this industry.

About this Blog

The main purpose of this blog is to help people with any questions they have in the cryptocurrency area find the answers they need with out spending too much time researching.

I know it can be quite daunting trying to work out this new industry, with so many people telling you so many different things.

So, I have broken down things that I have had to learn in to categories to make this easier for you.

My goal is to make this journey easier for you as I have documented the how to’s of what I have learned.

If you have any questions that are not answered in this blog, jump on to the ‘contact us’ page and let me know.

I will endeavour to find the answer for you and then I’ll publish it for everyone else to see.